
посыпать глагол:
посыпать (sprinkle, strew, dredge, scatter, spritz, powder)
усыпать (strew, pepper, bestrew, intersperse, powder, stud)
разбрасывать (scatter, disperse, strew, overspread, throw about, broadcast)
обсыпать (strew)
рассыпать (scatter, spill, disperse, strew, squabble, intersperse)
разбрызгивать (spray, splatter, sprinkle, spatter, squirt, strew)
расстилать (spread, strew)
разбросать (scatter, throw about, strew)
растрясти (shake, strew, be shaken up)
усеивать (Dot, pepper, stud, intersperse, strew, spread)

Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "strew" в других словарях:

  • Strew — Strew, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Strewed}; p. p. {strewn}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Strewing}.] [OE. strewen, strawen, AS. strewian, stre[ o]wian; akin to Ofries. strewa, OS. strewian, D. strooijen, G. streuen, OHG. strewen, Icel. str[=a], Sw. str[ o], Dan.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • strew — strew, straw, scatter, sow, broadcast can mean to throw loosely or at intervals. Strew and the less common straw usually imply a spreading at intervals, but the intervals may be so fine as not to be obvious or so great that each thing may be… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • strew — [stru:] v past tense strewed past participle strewn [stru:n] or strewed [T usually passive] [: Old English; Origin: strewian] 1.) to scatter things around a large area be strewn with sth ▪ The street was strewn with broken glass. strew sth… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • strew — (v.) O.E. streowian, from P.Gmc. *straujanan (Cf. O.S. stroian, O.N. stra, Dan. strè, Swed. strö, M.Du. strowen, Du. strooien, O.H.G. strouwen, Ger. streuen, Goth. straujan to sprinkle, strew ), from PIE root *stere …   Etymology dictionary

  • strew — [stro͞o] vt. strewed, strewed or strewn, strewing [ME strewen < OE streawian, akin to Ger streuen < IE * streu < base * ster , to extend, stretch out, strew > STRAW, L struere, to pile up] 1. to spread about here and there by or as by …   English World dictionary

  • strew — index diffuse, dispel, disperse (disseminate), disseminate, dissipate (spread out), spread Burt …   Law dictionary

  • strew — [ stru ] (past participle strewn [ strun ] or strewed [ strud ] ) verb be strewn (with) 1. ) to cover a wide area: Thousands of temples are strewn throughout the hills of Bali. 2. ) to be covered with things that are spread around in a careless… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • strew — has a past tense strewed and a past participle form strewn (preferred) or strewed …   Modern English usage

  • strew — ► VERB (past part. strewn or strewed) 1) (usu. be strewn) scatter untidily over a surface or area. 2) (usu. be strewn with) cover (a surface or area) with untidily scattered things. ORIGIN Old English …   English terms dictionary

  • strew — be·strew; strew·er; strew·ment; strew; strew·ing; …   English syllables

  • strew — [[t]stru[/t]] v. t. strewed, strewn(stroon) orstrewed, strew•ing. 1) to scatter freely; sprinkle: to strew seed in a garden bed[/ex] 2) to overspread with something scattered: to strew a floor with sawdust[/ex] 3) to be scattered over: Flowers… …   From formal English to slang

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